Mednarodne in lokalne priložnosti

SRT (Sub Regional Training) na Cipru

Na Cipru se bo med 25. in 29. oktobrom odvijal SRT.  Prijave so "last minute," ker se zaprejo 9.9.2024 ob polnoči, a morda se slučajno najde kdo, ki bi se želel podati na Ciper! V nadaljevanju podrobnosti, pred morebitno prijavo nas kontaktirajte na: ali in posredovali vam bomo podrobnejša navodila ter prijavnico.


We are thrilled to announce that this year CyMSA is planning its SRT “MedConnect Cyprus” hosted in Nicosia, Cyprus between the 25th and 29th of October 2024. The event will take place at Shakolas Educational Centre for Clinical Medicine.

During the SRT’s days, the members selected as participants will be able to acquire all the knowledge and skills necessary to become future facilitators of the workshop of their choice. In this way, they will be able to increase their potential by facilitating in upcoming local, national and international Capacity Building events; and for the Committee to which their chosen workshop belongs. 

Capacity Building is more than a support for what is built in IFMSA, it is in essence, what IFMSA does; through the empowerment of medical students, through peer-to-peer education that will provide the necessary skills to our participants to become agents of change, actors and future leaders of our Federation.


It is our great pleasure to introduce you to the workshops that will take place within SRT. They are as follows:

Applications will be received in trainers/facilitators and participants forms until 9th of September, 2024 | 23:59 GMT +3. 


The registration fee includes venue, accommodation (only for international participants/trainers), transportation, social programs, workshops with necessary materials, welcome kit and full boarding (three meals per day, including breakfast (only for international participants/trainers), lunch, dinner and coffee breaks). We will be taking into account everyone’s dietary needs by finding viable menu options (vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, halal, etc.). The fee DOES NOT include flight tickets, additional purchases at social programs, individual travel insurance, and bank transfer fees. 

Stay tuned on our social media [here

The selection results will be announced at the beginning of September and an official confirmation will be sent, including the details of the payment. We are looking forward to your participation!

Invitation Package_MedConnect Cyprus

Arhiv delegacij SloMSIC na IFMSA srečanjih


March Meeting 2024 Ekvador

European Regional Meeting 2024 Malta


March Meeting 2023 Estonija

European Regional Meeting 2023 Bosna in Hercegovina

August Meeting 2023 Indija


March Meeting 2022 Severna Makedonija

European Regional Meeting 2022 Portugalska

August Meeting 2022 Turčija


March Meeting 2021 Online

European Regional Meeting 2021 Online

August Meeting 2021 Panama (hibridno)


March Meeting 2020 Ruanda

Online General Assembly 2020

August Meeting 2020 se je zaradi pandemije Covid-19 v celoti odvil online. Zvezo študentov medicine Slovenije je zastopalo izvoljeno moštvo uradnikov.


March Meeting 2019 Slovenija

European Regional Meeting 2019 Rusija

August Meeting 2019 Tajvan


March Meeting 2018 Egipt

European Regional Meeting 2018 Avstrija

August Meeting 2018 Kanada - Quebec


March Meeting 2017 Črna gora

European Regional Meeting 2017 Turčija

August Meeting 2017 Tanzanija


March Meeting 2016 Malta

European Regional Meeting 2016 Grčija

August Meeting 2016 Mehika


March Meeting 2015 Turčija

European Regional Meeting 2015 Danska

August Meeting 2015 Makedonija


March Meeting 2014 Tunizija

European Regional Meeting 2014 Poljska

August Meeting 2014 Tajvan


March Meeting 2013 Združene države Amerike

European Regional Meeting 2013 Italija

August Meeting 2013 Čile